
About Us

CatCMS is a content management system. You can create a website without any knowledge of PHP, HTML5, CSS, BootStrap 5, Javascript or Jquery. It is a very simple and easy-to-use application. Once it is uploaded to your web server, You can create a new website within a few minutes. CatCMS is easier and simpler to use than wordpress. Try our demonstration. You will find out much more! There are two template in CatCMS. You can visit these two demo demostration
Front end: demo1 and demo2 here. Back end: Admin demo1 and Admin demo2 If you want to run CatCMS, the following requirements are needed.

  • PHP 8 or above
  • Apache 2 web server
  • MySQL or MariaDB Database Server
The price is US$99.99. Big Sales right now : US$49.99

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Input Text and Photos Only

It is easy-to-use. You don't need to know PHP 8, Bootstrap 5, CSS, HTML5, Javascript and Jquery!

Build Website Fast

Once you have upload and install CatCMS PHP Content Management System. You can login the backend to create the page. Input text and Upload photos! That's all. Done!

Search for pages and blogs

You can search the words in Pages or Blogs. The search function is included in CatCMS PHP Content Management System.

Create a Page and add other pages in new created Page.

You can create a new Page with the Block templates. You can also add a few Pages into the new created Page. So that you can create a rich and long content page.

Share Block

Font Awesome icon
We have just hardcoded for the following icons only. If you want to add other icons, you can modify the template block file directly.
facebook : twitter : instagram : youtube : wechat : tiktok : pinterest : linkedin : reddit : snapchat : weibo : whatsapp : bilibili :

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