
About Us

CatCMS is a content management system. You can create a website without any knowledge of PHP, HTML5, CSS, BootStrap 5, Javascript or Jquery. It is a very simple and easy-to-use application. Once it is uploaded to your web server, You can create a new website within a few minutes. CatCMS is easier and simpler to use than wordpress. Try our demonstration. You will find out much more! There are two template in CatCMS. You can visit these two demo demostration
Front end: demo1 and demo2 here. Back end: Admin demo1 and Admin demo2 If you want to run CatCMS, the following requirements are needed.

  • PHP 8 or above
  • Apache 2 web server
  • MySQL or MariaDB Database Server
The price is US$99.99. Big Sales right now : US$49.99

Find out more

Input Text and Photos Only

It is easy-to-use. You don't need to know PHP 8, Bootstrap 5, CSS, HTML5, Javascript and Jquery!

Build Website Fast

Once you have upload and install CatCMS PHP Content Management System. You can login the backend to create the page. Input text and Upload photos! That's all. Done!

Search for pages and blogs

You can search the words in Pages or Blogs. The search function is included in CatCMS PHP Content Management System.

Create a Page and add other pages in new created Page.

You can create a new Page with the Block templates. You can also add a few Pages into the new created Page. So that you can create a rich and long content page.

We’d love to hear from you

If you have any question about our PHP Content Management System CatCMS, please don't be hesitate to contact us. If you like our PHP CMS CatCMS and want to cooperate with us. You are welcome to contact us and discuss with us.


Wondering if our product is the right tool for your business? Chat with our team to see if there’s a fit.


Need a hand using Unbounce or managing your account? Chat with a real, live human or self-serve using our Help Center.


We love working with journalists to share compelling stories. Send us a note and our PR and Communications Manager will be in touch.


We’re into co-marketing with awesome brands. Fill out the form here, and our Partnerships Manager will circle back.

We’d love to hear from you

If you have any question about our PHP Content Management System CatCMS, please don't be hesitate to contact us. If you like our PHP CMS CatCMS and want to cooperate with us. You are welcome to contact us and discuss with us.


Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong

Got any questions?

Use the form below to get in touch with us.

This is the back end Page maintenance Screen

This is the back end Page maintenance Screen

-Click Enabled to let the page to be displayed in Front End.
-Choose Display position : on Top Menu, on Bottom Menu (Service or Information Column) or display it at Homepage.
-If the page is displayed on Top Menu (Menu title will be shown), then choose Parent Menu. If it is the first layer menu, you should choose 'Root' as the parent menu.
-Upload picture and choose Template Block to apply it on the page.
-Then input Menu Title, Title, Content, Meta keywords, Meta Description (If you have more than 1 language, click the Nav Tab to input the fields on other languages.
-OK! Completed! This is for simple Template Block!
If you use the Template Block which requires you to input more information, then following the instruction on the Template Block Screen by inputting the Sub-Title, Sub-Content, Sub-sortorder, Sub-Picture, Sub-picture-sortorder, and More Page (by input page id to append other pages content to the current page.)
*** For example: The share Block page is appended by About Us page ***
That's All!

What is CatCMS

What is CatCMS

CatCMS: A PHP-Based Content Management System

CatCMS, short for “Cat Content Management System,” is an innovative platform designed to empower individuals who lack web development experience. With CatCMS, creating a website becomes accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical background. Let’s delve into the key features and technologies behind CatCMS:

  1. Technology Stack:
    • PHP 8: The backbone of CatCMS, PHP 8 ensures robust performance and security.
    • Bootstrap 5: CatCMS leverages Bootstrap 5 for responsive and visually appealing designs.
    • HTML5 and CSS3: These standards enable CatCMS to create modern and semantic web pages.
    • JavaScript and jQuery: Dynamic interactions and seamless user experiences are facilitated by these client-side technologies.
  2. Purpose and Vision:
    • CatCMS was born out to help people create website without coding. Many individuals have great ideas but lack the technical know-how to bring them to life. CatCMS bridges this gap by providing an intuitive interface for building web pages.
    • Whether you’re a small business owner, a blogger, or an artist, CatCMS allows you to express your ideas online without the complexities of traditional web development.
  3. Key Benefits:
    • User-Friendly: CatCMS’s user interface is straightforward and intuitive. No coding skills are required; simply input text and photos to create your web pages.
    • Customizable Templates: Choose from a variety of pre-designed templates or create your own.
    • Content Management: Easily add, edit, and organize content. CatCMS handles everything from blog posts to product listings.
    • SEO-Friendly: Built-in SEO features help your website rank higher in search engine results.
    • Responsive Design: Your website will look great on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  4. Getting Started:
    • To install CatCMS, follow these steps:
      1. upload to your web hosting server.
      2. run the installation script
      3. Access the CatCMS admin panel.
  5. Launch and Beyond:
    • With CatCMS, you’re ready to create your web pages. Whether it’s a personal blog, an online portfolio, or an e-commerce site, CatCMS empowers you to share your vision with the world.
    • As CatCMS evolves, we’ll continue to enhance its features and provide ongoing support.